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Regular Update Timeslot?

PostPosted:Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:46 pm
by GabrielKnight
One fairly minor observation/request.

There seems to be no real consistency with regard to what time of day the two new scenes are posted.

Now, I appreciate that a lot of work goes into putting all this stuff together.
Booking the girls, shooting them, editing the footage, getting it on the site, etc etc, and due to all of this and the time and effort that goes into each step of the process I realize that it's not always going to be possible to get scenes up at the exact same time each day, especially on the days where you try to get stuff available on the same day as it was shot (as I believe you did with Chloe Toy just last week).

However, there are some days when the updates don't appear until around 10pm (as was the case yesterday) and on other days they are available as early as 9-10am.

Is there any chance you guys could perhaps move toward nailing down a specific time of day and posting the updates at around that time every day?

Speaking purely for myself, it would save me a lot of page refreshing if I could just come here at a certain time each day and grab the new scenes.

As an example, with some very rare exceptions, Killergram make their new scenes available at 10am (give or take 10 minutes) every day.
Perhaps WIN could do something similar?

Merely a suggestion.
I don't know if anyone else feels the same. Perhaps it's just me being impatient.

Re: Regular Update Timeslot?

PostPosted:Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:29 am
by admin
We used to update between 8am - 10am GMT everyday when there was only one video update per day. But recently, since producing 14 scenes per week for the site rather than 7, the update time of day has become a little less strict. However, if needed i can rearrange the schedule and make sure the updates are done in the morning, between 8am/10am GMT. This will only change if i am waiting on a update to be ready so i can get it on the site the same day rather than the following day, ie: Like Chloe Toy last week ;)

As always, thanks for your feedback :D

Re: Regular Update Timeslot?

PostPosted:Fri Oct 25, 2013 11:24 am
by GabrielKnight
That's great news, thanks!

I don't know that it's "needed", per se, but it would certainly make life a little easier on the user end of things.

Instead of coming to the site 20+ times per day to check if the new scenes have been posted, I could just log on at 10am each day, grab the new scenes and job done.

Thanks for the swift response and the info.