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 #14574  by gloriasn
 Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:19 pm

Are there technical issues with the "All sites" option?
I joined but my username & password is not recognised.
In addition, the confirmation email from CCBill doesn't give any indication of the url to sign on and if you have to sign into each site separately.
I would of expected all of the updates from each site to appear on the same page but I'm in the dark.

Please help.
 #14581  by deathr0w
 Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:44 am
gloriasn wrote:Hello,

Are there technical issues with the "All sites" option?
I joined but my username & password is not recognised.
In addition, the confirmation email from CCBill doesn't give any indication of the url to sign on and if you have to sign into each site separately.
I would of expected all of the updates from each site to appear on the same page but I'm in the dark.

Please help.

I've sent you a PM on the forum.