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Re: NEW Jess West Scenes

PostPosted:Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:11 am
by CZDaveLister
montecristo wrote:You're lying on your bed and Jess opens the door and walks in wearing a robe (shes naked underneath) or in her underwear "Hi, are you still awake?...

Oh, this one sounds really good :-)

Re: NEW Jess West Scenes

PostPosted:Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:26 am
by Dionysus
Ideas for Jess (though, as always, feel free to use them for whomever if you like them but can't fit them into Jess's shoot - though I do have to admit "Cousin Encounter" specifically is intended for Jess while the other two could be for anyone):

Cousin Encounter

You typically live alone, but your cousin (mother's sister's daughter) Jess has been staying with you the past few days while she's in town. You spent so much time together when you were younger that you grew up almost like brother and sister, but it's been years since you've seen each other outside of family holiday parties. You always thought she was incredibly attractive, but you tried your best to bury those feelings because of how closely related you are. Your willpower has been put to the test though with Jess and yourself being in such close proximity in recent days; and the fact that she is even more attractive than you remember isn't helping matters either. Still, you're behaving yourself quite well...

...Or at least you were until now. The scene starts with you/the viewer arriving home after work and finding Jess wrapped in a towel freshly out of the shower (wet hair she's trying to dry, preferably, to illustrate why she's in the towel). You take a quick glance at her body as she's dancing a little while humming (or singing to herself) one of her favorite songs. She's so caught up in what she's doing she didn't notice you come in, so when you get close and say "hi" you catch her off guard. Startled, Jess accidentally releases her grip on her towel and it drops to the floor - revealing her gorgeous body! You're instantly aroused and can't help but stare at the view you've been secretly hoping to see for so long. Flustered, she tries to cover herself with her hands (forgetting the towel now on the floor) and turns around to better try and hide her body. This, of course, gives you a nice view of her backside, which only enhances your excitement.

Still scrambling, Jess tries to apologize for her clumsiness, explains that she didn't hear you come in, and mentions how she thought you weren't supposed to be back for another hour or so. When you fail to respond, she looks over her shoulder and notices not only that you're staring, but the bulge in your pants as well. Shocked, she calls you out on it - mentioning that you shouldn't be turned on by your cousin. This snaps you back to reality and now it's your turn to apologize. You're embarrassed and about to leave the room when Jess stops you.

Her voice is oddly sweet as she asks just how long you've been attracted to her. You lie and say it just happened now, but she can tell you aren't telling her the truth and presses you on the subject. You relent and mention that you started "noticing" her when the two of you were much younger (implied that there's not much of an age gap between you). At this, Jess smiles and turns around to face you, her hands dropping to her sides to give you a clean view of her body. You're stunned and question what she's doing. As she walks closer to you she says she has a confession to make - she's also had feelings for you for years but also didn't act on them because "it'd be wrong". Still, she says, now that you've seen her it'd only be fair if you got naked and showed her your body. You're not sure that's a good idea, but Jess gently pushes the subject and gets you to show her what she wants to see.

Now both naked, the two of you can't help but involuntarily begin to rub yourselves to the sight of the other. After a few seconds, Jess speaks up and mentions how you're the only two in the house and no one else would have to know what happened here. Why don't the two of you simply indulge your fantasies this one time? You can't help but agree with her and let your passions take over...

At the end of the scene, following any/all sexuality activity, the two of you agree that that was an amazing experience. Jess suggests that while she continues to stay with you for a few more days you both should embrace the situation to its fullest and enjoy each other's "company". When she leaves, however, you go back to being cousins. Agreed? Still, she says with a smile, that's a few days away. Ready to go again?

Checking Her Plumbing

It's Jess's birthday and she's lonely. She lives alone, recently moved to town, and thus has neither a boyfriend nor really any friends to spend the day with. She doesn't even really know her coworkers all that well, so it looks like she'll be spending her special day all by herself. To make matters worse, her kitchen sink is acting up so she has to call a plumber who says he can stop by shortly. Well at least something is going right for her today...

The scene starts with you (the plumber) arriving at Jess's place. She seems startled when she answers the door. You ask if everything's ok and she mutters how you're not what she expected as you're young and attractive rather than old and overweight. She apologizes for stereotyping and leads you into her home to show you the sink in question. Once there, Jess excuses herself from the room as you get to work.

A few minutes later, Jess returns to the kitchen to see if she can help with anything. You're about to thank her for the offer but mention that everything's fine and you've already figured out what was wrong when you look up and notice she has changed her clothing. Specifically, she's let down her hair (from a ponytail), put on earrings and makeup, and switched from comfortable/loose clothing into lingerie and heels! You can't help but stare at the transformation and now realize just how beautiful Jess is. She notices and a large smile crosses her face. She thanks you for the compliment - which confuses you until you spot the obvious bulge in your pants.

Jess then mentions to you how it's her birthday and asks if you'd like to give her a present since you seem to be carrying around a "large package" for her. You can believe neither your ears nor your eyes as she quickly begins giving you a striptease and mentions how it looks like you'll be receiving a present too, but she'll unwrap both. You decide to forget about the sink and instead focus on the needs of other "plumbing" in the room...

Sexy Sleepover - Which Looks Better?

Jess is one of your daughters' many friends that is spending the night at your place while your wife is out of town. Your daughters somehow talked you into letting them have over a dozen of their friends over tonight (all of legal age, of course. All are in their late teens/early twenties). You, meanwhile, are the only male at this party and it's been a bit difficult on you what with so many young, beautiful women running around in little clothing. Still, you're doing a decent job of behaving yourself; and one way to do that is to try and stay out of their way and avoid most contact with them. So far this tactic has mostly worked and you've kept your encounters with the girls down to a minimum.

The scene would start as you return to your study/den/computer room after getting something to drink in the kitchen. You walk into the room (which strangely had the door only slightly ajar even though you left it open when you exited earlier) to find Jess partially naked. She seems to have been trying on some lingerie with another such article of clothing nearby; but your entrance startles her. You apologize and mention that you didn't realize anyone was in the room; and she suggests that it's her fault for not realizing you'd return even though the computer is still on. You tell her to take all the time she needs and are about the leave when she asks you to stay a minute.

Jess has a favor to ask of you. It turns out all of the girls brought their lingerie to the party tonight so they could all look and feel sexy; and Jess isn't sure which of her two outfits she looks better in. Perhaps you could give her a guy's opinion? You're not sure this is a good idea, but she looks at you with those pleading brown eyes and you melt and agree to her request. "Thank you, daddy", she says, then apologizes. You don't mind if she calls you daddy too, do you? It seems that that's how most of the other girls refer to you, even though they're not your daughters. You explain that many of them spent so much time at your place while they were growing up that they sort of also became your daughters and you their "daddy". You tell her if she wants to she can call you daddy as well. She smiles and says, "ok, daddy".

Jess then proceeds to show off the first outfit - which she looks terrific in. She then decides to try on the other piece of lingerie. Rather than have either of you leave the room, she simply turns her back on you and strips off the first bit of clothing and puts on the second. She turns around and you're blown away at her beauty. She says she thinks this one is her favorite and you can barely collect yourself enough to agree that this one is the best. She thanks you and runs up to give you a hug for your help. The embrace, however, is a bit awkward as she quickly notices that you're aroused as she presses her body against yours. Rather than being upset, however, she giggles and is flattered. Apparently daddy really does like this outfit, she says.

You apologize and move to leave now that you've helped Jess out, but she calls for you to stay. She mentions that she can't just leave you like this, daddy. You helped her out, now it's her turn to assist you. At this she begins to dance and tells you to shut the door. She then begins removing the lingerie and tells you to get more comfortable - drop your pants and take out your cock. You can't help yourself and do as she says. As you begin to wank, however, Jess gently tells you to stop and moves towards you. That's her job, she informs you, as she begins to stroke you.

From here I envision plenty of dirty talk as Jess strokes you. It would then end with a blowjob and cumshot in her mouth that she then drips/drools over her body such as in her "Lil Sis Caught Stealing" video (though without the disgust, obviously, as her character enjoys it here). She then thanks you for your assistance with the lingerie, says she won't tell anyone - especially your daughters - about what just went on, and maybe she'll see you again later tonight.

Re: NEW Jess West Scenes

PostPosted:Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:52 pm
by admin
Here is a sneak of what happened today, I'll put the rest up in the morning when I have more time ... It's been a very long day :/


Re: NEW Jess West Scenes

PostPosted:Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:38 pm
by admin
Here are the screens from Jess' shoot :D

"The Ransom"

"Clean Downblouse"

"Wank It Fast"


"Dirty Little Sister"

"Red Light Green Light Game"

Re: NEW Jess West Scenes

PostPosted:Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:16 pm
by Thondervult
I've just watched "I'm Back" and it's a great teaser for her new shoot. I love the idea of surprising the model with the scene ideas and getting her reaction on camera.

In the past Jess has always seemed a bit bored with the bro/sis stuff but her new scenes look like they really pop. Can't wait to see them! :D

Re: NEW Jess West Scenes

PostPosted:Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:50 pm
by admin
Yeah, She was surprised (LOL) ;)

jess west

PostPosted:Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:51 pm
by muppet69
her nerdy little bro has been saving all his birthday money to buy star wars stuff, Jess needs a new outfit for Halloween party (can you see where this is going). Jess is caught searching his room for the cash. he threatens to tell mum then comes up with an idea, if she dresses up as princess Leia (donut hair or metal bikini) he will give her some money for the party. she agrees. little bit of teasing equals little bit of cash, Jess wants all his cash so allows him to squirt his load onto her open pussy. bro gets his fantasy fulfilled Jess can get wrecked at party. EVERYONE'S A WINNER :D
hope you like it?

Re: NEW Jess West Scenes

PostPosted:Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:11 am
by admin
Jess is back in to shoot again very soon, check the shoot schedule and request more scenes for the naughty Jess West!!!! viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1306


PostPosted:Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:39 pm
by steven
Here are Jess' screens from the other day :D


PostPosted:Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:48 pm
by Iceman
Get your favourite Jess West scenes on DVD at